April 2, 2021 marked the end of Emergency Community Support Fund via United Way to us to run our food project serving the vulnerable community. Our last distribution of food hampers with grocery vouchers and hot meals went out one week before Good Friday to over 200 people in need.Thanks to all members, volunteers and supporters involved, our project has over achieved its preset goal.To express our appreciation to all, we would like to recap what we have done over the past months with these photos. We look forward to getting other sources of funding and donations to continue this meaningful task.二零二一年四月二日是本會完成由加拿大政府經聯合公益金資助為弱勢社群舒援食物需求計劃之日子。本會已於復活節前派發出最後一批共二百多份食物袋,食品代用劵和熟食餐盒給有需要人仕。此計劃可超標地完成有賴全體理事,義工及資助人仕的熱心參與。謹以這特輯相片作為向大家致謝。祈望有機會獲得其他資源和贊助可繼續此有意義的工作。